Seed cycling 101.

Seed cycling is a food first way to balance hormones and boost fertility, plus it couldn’t be easier to work into your daily routine. This hormone supporting ritual has become quite popular in the wellness world, and for good reason. By utilizing the power of seeds, you can better regulate your menstrual cycle and balance your hormones, improving PMS or ovulation symptoms and in turn boosting fertility.

Hormones are complex and can be influenced by a plethora of things such as stress, diet, environmental toxins, sleep, and overall lifestyle. Unfortunately, imbalances are all too common and symptoms of this can range from irregular periods, to PCOS and everything in between. Other symptoms that may seem unrelated can include acne, extreme fatigue, weight gain, and thyroid disorders. If you struggle with any of the above or are looking to boost fertility, I suggest trying the simple practice of seed cycling. It is gentle yet effective, and can help get your hormones on track as well as increase your daily nutrient intake, win win! To be clear, although seed cycling can be very effective, I am not promising a magic fix to all hormonal issues, but if done consistently it can have a positive impact.

Seed cycling is done by eating specific seeds during the two main phases of the menstrual cycle (the follicular phase and the luteal phase) to help support healthy estrogen and progesterone levels throughout. Phase 1 of seed cycling refers to the follicular phase which is from menstruation to ovulation. During phase 1 or days 1-14, consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds each day to increase estrogen levels. Pumpkin seeds are particularly high in zinc which also supports progesterone production to release during the second phase of the cycle. Zinc is also known to support glowing skin and immune health, bonus! Phase 2 of seed cycling refers to the luteal phase which is from ovulation to menstruation. During phase 2 or days 15-28, consume 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds each day. The sesame seeds are rich in zinc and the sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, both of which can help stimulate the production of progesterone. The lignans in the sesame seeds help prevent excess estrogen and the selenium in the sunflower seeds helps support liver detoxification. The daily 2 tablespoons of seeds can be eaten on their own or you can add them to breakfast bowls, smoothies, sprinkle them on salads, or stir them into soups and sauces. Make sure you are buying raw, organic, and unsalted seeds for maximum benefits.

Is your cycle irregular? You can still follow the 28 day seed cycle ritual and ideally the rotation process will gently nudge your cycle into a more regular rhythm. The best way to start is on the first day of your period, continue following the 28 day cycle and repeat.

Do you miss cycles? If you are completely missing your period (amenorrhea) you can still follow the seed cycling ritual, just rotate with the 2 phases of the moon instead. The moon’s cycle and our own are both 28 days, so this is an easy way to adapt if you are without your own cycle to follow. Days 1-14 would go from new moon to full moon and days 15-28 would go from full moon to new moon.

Need some inspiration for how to get your seeds into your diet? A couple of Mooi’s favourite recipes to integrate seed cycling include:

  • Mooinola. Add your seeds into your weekly batch, alternating seeds based on the phase of your cycle that you are in. For phase 1 only add flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds and for phase 2 swap the flaxseeds for sesame seeds and the pumpkin seeds for sunflower seeds.

  • Kale Caesar Salad. Top your salad with your weekly seeds for a delicious added crunch.

This simple yet effective ritual is a great place to start if you are struggling with any hormone related imbalance. For more comprehensive and personalized recommendations, book a free consultation with me to go over options for a Mooi program.


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